Lenten Series on the Mass
The Eucharistic Revival Steering Committee, in collaboration with the Office of Christian Formation and Marywood, will be offering a five-part series on the Mass on Monday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. in the Wisdom Center of Marywood Retreat & Conference Center. Talks will be an hour followed by a question-and-answer session. These talks will be taped in order for us to create an adult education series on the Mass. The videos will be packaged in 15-minute segments with reflection questions. Bishop Pohlmeier will be recording a separate 15-minute session on Entering into the Mystery: Reverence and Sacred Silence.
March 6 – “Singing to the Lord: Sacred Music in Worship” with Dr. Bernie Sans
March 13 – “Celebrating the Paschal Mystery: History and Development of Liturgy with Father Tom Willis
March 20 – “Proclaiming and Our Response: The Liturgy of the Word” with Father Tim Lindenfelser
March 27 – ‘Joining in the Sacrifice: The Liturgy of the Eucharist” with Letty Valentin
April 3 – “Living the Liturgical Year: How the Church Marks Time” with Father Michael Kieler
We do expect a crowd, so RSVP for a chair is a must. Email emcgeever@dosafl.com
Resources for Lent (some are not updated yet)
Daily Reflections during Lent from Bishop Barron
Catholic Apostolate Center: incredible collection of free online videos, clips, and other resources. Available in Espanol.
Catholic Icing: Lenten Activities for Children
Creighton University Online Ministries: bulletin flyers, free downloadable Stations of the Cross, online retreats…
CRS: How to Practice Lent: videos, recipes
Dynamic Catholic: Best Lent Ever
Hallow complete Guide to Lent for Catholics
Ignatian Spirituality: Videos, articles, online retreat, using art with the Sunday Scriptures
Loyola Press: Stations of the Cross for Children and Youth: videos, reflections
NCEA (Catholic Educators) resources for Lent Family and classroom activities
Sadlier Lenten Resources: All available in Spanish and English: for classrooms and for families
USCCB Resources for Lent 2023 (available in Spanish and English)