Music Ministry & Choir

Chris & Jim Goodell
813-8132 or


The OLSS Music Ministry is grounded in the following:

Vision: Offering our God-given gifts to provide music that encourages full engagement in liturgy and in living-out our faith.

 Values:Christ-centered ministry – To ensure that all we do is in line with Christ’s teachings and example.

Inclusion – To provide a creative, encouraging environment that allows musical talent to be recognized and offered at liturgies across a variety of musical styles.

Humility – To understand that we are the accompaniment to the liturgy and not to detract from the Altar.

Musical Excellence – To give Jesus our best.  See the musician requirements section.

Mission: Combining our ministry values and musical gifts, we will attract, develop and serve as music ministers who will, in turn, enhance the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical celebrations and to support the congregation in singing, so that all who attend services will be inspired and engaged in their faith.



Cantors rehearse individually with the Music Directors and/or during group practices. Cantors are generally selected from the ranks of the OLSS Choral Groups and serve with those groups.

Chancel Choir:

The Chancel Choir serves at the 11:00 am Mass on Sundays. The core musical style is traditional in nature.  Instrumentation includes: organ, piano and, for select liturgies, strings and brass.

Sacred Sound:

(Adult Contemporary Ensemble):

Sacred Sound serves at the 5 pm Mass on Saturdays.  This vocal/instrumental group’s core musical style is Contemporary Christian Music.  Members are also featured for solo and ensemble preludes and reflection moments during the Mass.  Instrumentation includes: guitars, bass, keyboard and percussion.

5 PM Sunday Ensemble:

Dr. Alex Groppe, our Director of Religious Education, leads the music for this ensemble.  Dr. Gerry Budd supports the music on guitar and piano.  Music is traditional and features selections from the Breaking Bread Worship Aid.  Alex is looking to grow this group.  This would be a wonderful opportunity for youth and young adults.


(Youth Ensemble):

The Joy Youth Ensemble serves at the 9:00 am Mass on Sundays.  These talented youth sing and play Contemporary Christian Music, as well as Traditional Church Repertoire.  Youth K through 6th grades are welcome.  Instrumentation includes: Piano and organ.  We welcome additional instruments and talent.


The Son-Risers:

This group serves at the 7:30 am Mass on Sundays.  Music is Traditional Church Repertoire.  Instrumentation includes: Piano, organ and guitar.


Taking it on the Road:

The Music Ministry actively participates in Diocesan-wide events, community outreach and special programs.  From the Eucharistic Congresses to Youth Rallies & Retreats to Prison Ministry to Gabriel House & Mission House and beyond, the Music Ministry offers support.

Faith Sharing:

The entire Music Ministry is anchored in prayer and faith-sharing, recognizing our Baptismal Call to Go and Make Disciples.

Musician Requirements:

Providing musicians with an inspiring, growth experience, both musically and spiritually, must be balanced with the experience we offer to the congregation. Music must be excellent in quality and a complement to the liturgy. To accomplish this, here are some requirements that will ensure the music minister is set up for success:

Skill Set:

  • Ability to hear and match pitch (singing in tune).
  • A basic ability to read music and understand musical notation & dynamics. For Contemporary Music, ability to read chord charts and lead sheets in addition to standard choral arrangements.
  • Ability to blend with the other musicians and not to stand out, understanding the importance of the group offering as a whole.
  • Ability to sing in Spanish and Latin is a plus.
  • Familiarity with traditional hymns and Contemporary songs is a plus.


Mind Set:

  • Alignment with our Vision/Values/Mission.
  • Commitment to preparation, being organized and reviewing the music prior to arrival.
  • Arriving on time for rehearsals and being in the moment both in rehearsals and at liturgies.
  • Asking for help and direction, taking personal leadership.
  • Open to direction and correction.
  • Assisting fellow musicians where appropriate.
  • Open to and constantly seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus and our Catholic Faith.
  • Open to and constantly seeking ways to bring our faith to others.
  • Serving as a talent scout for prospective new music ministers.

For the sheet music to Hail Queen of Heaven click below
Hail Queen of Heaven – CK