Saint’s Alive

st-aliveSaint’s Alive

Chrissy Bennett – (757)651-4587 –


To help beautify the interior of our Church through the care and placement of flowers, plants and small furnishings; and to increase parishioner interest in various OLSS/Catholic literature through maintenance of the tabletops, bulletin boards and pamphlet rack.
For Easter and Christmas, this group plans and puts into place the decorations appropriate to the season. Prior to weddings and funerals, the interior premises are checked for general tidiness, etc.
Time Commitment: Each week a team of (at least) two people is responsible for handling the above. The total time commitment for the week is between 2-3 hours, to include Monday, a convenient time at the end of the week and Saturday following the 8:30 am Mass; also, special occasions as necessary. Duty assignments occur at approximate 5 week intervals.